Monday, February 28, 2011

A Reflection of One's Contemplative Attitude

Le que l'homme a de plus profound, c'est sa peau
--Paul Valery

Bad literature belittles, but the true one reveals to us the regions as yet uncharted of the soul... One must never be afraid of going too far, for truth still and always lies beyond.
--Marcel Proust
Letter to Ernst Robert Curtains
Sept. 18, 1922

"if he cannot build his work as a cathedral, he will build simply like a dress.
The essential elements of a work of art are often hidden within the warp and the woof of the material.

the description associated with M~ conforms to the demands of his... conferring upon her the vague contours of someone seen amidst many, as in the manner of an illustration. Not until he begins to anticipate her in his imagination, will she detach herself from the many and become an individual.